Christine Diaz
“I know that I will never have the impact I desire if I don’t push my own boundaries and strengthen my ability to be ‘comfortable with being uncomfortable.’ At the…
“I know that I will never have the impact I desire if I don’t push my own boundaries and strengthen my ability to be ‘comfortable with being uncomfortable.’ At the…
“The Surge Fellowship offers me an opportunity to become part of a legacy of committed leaders of color making their own contributions to this work, while also – most importantly…
“I’m seeking to further develop my executive communication skills and ability to navigate politics. I believe that Surge will empower me with the skills and tools to inspire others to…
“I knew Surge was an opportunity to deepen and elevate my impact as a professional of color. And when the time comes, and I am the only Latina leader at…
“I am a part of the Surge movement because a quality education changed my life. I want to help others understand that providing a quality education to students of color elevates…
“The Surge Fellowship represents true change to our systemic disparities and people like myself want to be a part of it, not because we are told to, but because we…
“Being a part of the Surge Fellowship means being a part of a strong group of like-minded and dedicated people who want to change the lives of African American and…
“One act alone, while important, will not change a system, but it is a combination of many acts and people who will cause the change. Through the growing number of…
“When working to transform entrenched systems in schools, the Surge community will be my immediate source for guidance. As the movement grows in numbers and across the country, our influence…
“I believe that Surge can equip me with the tools to further my vision of an equitable educational experience for young people in black and brown communities. I want to…