Marielle Narcisa

“Diversity in leadership is necessary across all sectors, but most critically in education. We have the opportunity to develop our students to be the next generation of socially conscious changemakers…

Randal Seriguchi

“Reform will require more than representation—it will require reflection. Future change agents and leaders need to see themselves in the change agents and leaders of today. I still have a…

Sara Rizik-Baer

“A fellowship program trains aspiring professionals for the careers they seek. The Surge movement goes beyond, seeking to change the face of leadership in education. Rather than simply being a…

Harold Pearson

“I am excited to help lead a systematic movement that creates structures for our communities to have the knowledge, human capital, and resources we need to thrive.” Harold Pearson is…

Sonya Mehta

“Programs like Surge are essential to sustaining the movement for justice and equity through community, allyship, mentorship, shared struggle, shared successes, and a commitment to continually learn and evolve together.”…