Isolda Antonio, recognized as Principal of the Year for Middle School Cadre 1 in Orange County, Florida, in 2023, has also been lauded as a Turnaround Principal by the State of Florida for nine consecutive years. Currently at the helm of Union Park Middle School in Orlando, Florida, she celebrates her 11th year as a school principal. Isolda’s guiding principle, “no significant learning can occur without a significant relationship,” shapes her approach to school leadership.

Her journey as an educational leader has been enriched by diverse experiences, including studying abroad in Brazil, serving as a facilitator for Deloitte’s Courageous Principals Program, collaborating with other leaders to develop student programs, and fostering conducive learning environments for all students. Committed to ensuring that the school culture reflects the community it serves, Isolda embodies a deep-seated love and dedication to teaching, learning, and serving others.

Born in Panama City, Panama, Isolda is an alumna of both Clark Atlanta University and Jacksonville State University. Her educational career spans 27 years, encompassing roles such as middle school classroom teacher, School Dean, Assistant Principal, District Instructional Support, and School Level Principal. Notable achievements include being recognized as Principal of the Year for Orange County PTA and spearheading the opening of a new K-8 school in Orange County, Florida.

She cherishes her role as a devoted mother to both her 11 year old son and four-legged son. A lifelong learner and advocate for building meaningful relationships with stakeholders, Isolda takes pride in maximizing learning opportunities for all.

Isolda Antonio | Principal at Union Park Middle, Orlando, FL