Hello! We welcome you from the Create The Space community to the Surge Institute! You’re here because we share something meaningful in common – the goal of uplifting and empowering our communities of color. Our Oakland program serves African-American, Latinx, and Asian Pacific Islander leaders and communities. 

We are proud to partner with Create The Space to elevate, connect, and build dialogues for people of color. By supporting powerful stories like those shared in 2ME4U: Stories of Self-Exploration from the Heart, we all benefit from collective growth and empowerment.

Thank you for continuing the connection and we look forward to Surging forward together.


Rodney Thomas
VP of National Programs, Surge Institute

Interested in the Oakland Surge Fellowship? As a fellow you will leave the program having developed an understanding of competency in organizational management, relationship management, strategic planning and problem solving, navigating complex environments, and expertise in the history and structure of public education. Each fellow will have demonstrated an ability to achieve and lead better, learning how to have a tremendous impact on the broad landscape of leadership and education.

Connect with Rodney Thomas rodney@surgeinstitute.org to learn about the national Surge movement and the future outlook of our work. You can also reach out to 2020 Surge Oakland Fellow, Darryl McDavid darryl.mcdavid3@gmail.com if you’d like to have a conversation about the Surge experience with someone who is currently living it!

For any other questions, feel free to reach out to the Surge Oakland team at oakland@surgeinstitute.org.